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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Do Men Want a Wife Like June Cleaver?

Watch this or read this article and let me know what you think...

The question was asked, "Do men really want wives like June Cleaver?" this article raises some obvious concerns, in that being a submissive, stay-at-home mom is looked upon as a "slave-woman". Where does the godly wife and mother fit into this role? Is this an outdated model?

Due to the women's movement, things have become quite confused, for both women and men. And because of this confusion, the biblical perspective has gotten lost. The Bible is clear that, as a wife, we are to submit to our husbands. That does NOT mean being a doormat. It does mean that the husband is to be the head of the home, the priest and covering. The Bible is also clear of the role of the man. Men are to love their wives as Christ loved the church. A man should be willing to die for his wife, putting her needs above his own. (Ephesians 5:22-33)

There is much that could be shared about this topic, but the main thing I want to stress is the importance of each married couple to communicate with each other, expressing his or her needs, desires and expectations. No two couples will work the same. But each couple can cultivate a long-lasting, happy and fulfilled marriage when putting the others' needs above their own.

I would love to hear your thoughts!

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