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Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Simple Life...or Is it? (Intro)

I have been pondering the term "The Simple Life" for some time now.  I seem to get such a diverse and varied reaction to the term that I was beginning to believe that there is no such thing.  But I believe there can be, with a little effort and some prioritizing.

The word 'simple' is defined as:

1.easy to understand, deal with, use; 2.not elaborate or artificial; plain; 3.not ornate or luxurious; unadorned; 4.unaffected; unassuming; modest; 5.not complicated; 6.not complex or compound; single; 7.occurring or considered alone; mere; bare; 8.free of deceit or guile; sincere; unconditional; 9.common or ordinary; 10.not grand or sophisticated; unpretentious; 11.humble or lowly: 

When reading over these definitions, I came to the realization that this is more than can be included in one post.  So I am going to write a series on what the "simple life" is.  I hope you join me for this series, and come to terms with what "the simple life" means to you and your family.


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