Remember the coupon for the FREE box of cookies from Nabisco? I hope you went to Facebook and signed up to be a fan. Yesterday I also posted a coupon on the Facebook site for a coupon for $1.00 off 2 Nabisco cookies.
Here's the deal...Harris Teeter's has Nabisco cookies on sale this week for $2.99. The regular price is $3.99. They also have milk on sale for $1.99. I needed a few things last night, so visited Harris Teeter's. I used the FREE coupon (buy a gallon of milk and a package of cookies, get a package of cookies FREE) AND the $1.00 off 2 Nabisco cookies. Bottom line: I purchased a gallon of milk and two packages of cookies, used two coupons and Out of Pocket for cookies and millk (are you ready for this?) $3.98!! So use the FREE coupon this week and get an awesome deal!!