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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Re-use Dryer Sheets? Absolutely!!

Here are a few ways you can re-use dryer sheets.

  1. Use them as a dust cloth.  Spray with your favorite furniture polish.  They are especially useful when cleaning hard to reach areas like ceiling fans or ledges.  The dryer sheet holds onto the dust, so it doesn't fly everywhere!
  2. Need to clean the rims on your car or bicycle?  Wanting to scrub the shower curtain?  Knot two or three together, then scrub...the strength of the cloth works much better than paper towels.  They won't fall apart!  Then just toss in the trash!
  3. Ever scorch the bottom of a pan or have burnt on food?  Fill the pan with water and lay a dryer sheet on the bottom of the pan (over the scorched area).  The cooked on food will come up with some soaking, then just toss the dryer sheet in the trash.  Saves on sponges and dish rags!!
(Thanks for these hints TipHero!)

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