My name is Deborah (aka June) and I am a wife of almost 25 years and a mother of three wonderful children. When first deciding to create this blog, I realized that there are many wives and mothers that crave a simpler life. Why June Cleaver? She seemed to exemplify a time that was slower paced, a time when moms were responsible for creating an atmosphere in their homes of peace and safety, creating a family unit that relied on each other and lived out values of integrity and togetherness. But what does a simple life truly mean? Where do you turn when you know that to simplify would mean more peace and stability for your family? That's where I come in.
I have experienced both sides of the coin. We have had times in the last 25 years of plenty, and we have had some very lean times as well. Yes, it may seem easier to live when you have more than you need, but I found that during those times, we relied on finances to have fun, instead of enjoying being together as a family. I look back on those times and know that if we had stayed true to the family values that we believe in, life would have been happier, our children would have been more content, and the true essence of what life is all about would have shone through.
I do not profess to know everything when it comes to a simpler life. But I do know that God created each one of us to not only need Him, but to need each other. The family unit is a creation of God, and when we nurture and cause to grow the family unit, we will find an inexpressible desire to draw closer to the wonderful things in life that were created by God. Those things include nature, relationships, laughter, activity and true enjoyment of each other.
As I explore this "simpler life" I hope you will come along on this journey, learning to enjoy the simple things of life. My desire is to share some of the life lessons I have learned along the way, along with practical (take it to the bank) ideas for leading a more content, simple life.
Welcome to the simple life of June Cleaver!