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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Vocal Point-An article "Is Couponing Worth It?" Love to hear your thoughts!

Vocal Point is a great way to speak out when it comes to new products.  They will send you samples of items and you just comment on them.  I was looking on their site today, and saw an article "Is Couponing Worth it?"  I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on this one!

Personally, coupons are a lifesaver for my family.  We have had times that our budget was tight and without coupons, we would have had difficulty feeding our family and making ends meet.  With a family of 5, it has paid me over and over to use coupon.  I pay my daughter to clip the coupons for me, I use internet coupons ALOT, and am able to feed my family better than I could without using coupons.  When I can save 50% on my grocery bill, why wouldn't I use coupons!!

Let me know what you think!!

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