Tuesday, July 13, 2010
A Life of Nothingness ... or Is It?
As I write this, I am uncertain exactly where I want to go with this post. I know that I haven't written anything (other than sales, freebies and coupons) in a while. But I don't want to write about nothing...or do I?
That is the area that my life seems to be in right now...NOTHINGNESS!! It seems that the areas of my life that I have tried to ignite have fallen into nothingness. The areas that I strive to be good at have ...again...fallen into nothingness. Although 'nothing' seems to be happening, I am not bored (how on earth can anyone be bored when they have two teenagers and a pre-teen in the house?!?!?!?) In fact, my life is quite busy these days, but...even as I speak...it seems fraught with nothingness!
I am currently looking for a job...NOTHING! I am working on my master's degree, and yet...NOTHING! I am waiting for ministry opportunities...still, NOTHING! I am ready to see something (almost anything) happen that will push me out of this phase of nothingness and into a life of fulfillment and purpose that I see in my Spirit, but have not yet seen in the natural.
I have discovered that the times life seems to amount to 'nothing' are the times that quite a bit is happening. God is hard at work making something from nothing. He is molding me and fashioning me into what will please Him. And during those times of 'nothingness' come a treasure that only He could dream up...only He could create...only He could make worthwhile. A very wise pastor's wife once told me that during the times that we do not see growth, God is growing our roots deep. Just as an oak tree grows tall, without a deep root system, the tree could not stand. We may not see height, but without deep roots, the height could not be achieved.
So I say to you (and to myself) "Do not despair during the times of seeming nothingness. For God is doing a work in you that will prepare you to stand tall and proud, as His creation."
Two Cents Worth